Display Posts Block

Display Posts Block

The Display Posts block is used to pull in posts that have already been created. It has the ability to grab blog posts, pages or WooCommerce products if they exist. Pulled in content can be displayed in either grid view or in list view.

Grid View

Hello world!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore …
Button Block
Available Options
Checklist Block
Just a list Image / List List / Image Text / List List / Text …
Code Block
The Code Block can be used to enter custom HTML, CSS or even JavaScript. It …
Columns Block
Available Options
Display Posts Block
The Display Posts block is used to pull in posts that have already been created. …

List View

Hello world!
Category: Uncategorized
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis…
12 Nov
Checklist Block
Just a list Image / List List / Image Text / List List / Text List / List Available Options
14 Feb
Code Block
The Code Block can be used to enter custom HTML, CSS or even JavaScript. It can be used to include 3rd party tools & plugins…
15 Nov
Display Posts Block
The Display Posts block is used to pull in posts that have already been created. It has the ability to grab blog posts, pages or…
15 Nov

Available Options

  • Grid View or List View
  • Adjust Amount to Display Per Row
  • All Elements Are Optional
  • Includes Posts, Pages & Products
  • Can Use the Featured Image